About Us
How it works…
There are 3 main ways to spend credit card points. 1) Apply your points towards your bill for a statement credit. 2) Spend your points on travel in your bank’s travel portal. 3) Transfer your points out of your bank to one of their travel partners. This option has the highest potential redemption rate for your points, meaning that instead of being worth around 1 cent per point on your bank’s portal, they become significantly more valuable.
Airlines and hotels can make it challenging to find cheap rates—that’s where we come in!
Let us help you find and book travel while getting the best rates for your points.
Finding the best points redemption can be a challenge, with airlines and hotels making it difficult to navigate through travel sites. It often takes days to search for deals, and you still might not find the best options. With Unlocked, we handle subscriptions to all the top third-party search engines and travel agencies, ensuring you get the most value from your points to book your dream itinerary.
A modern approach…
By optimizing how and where you spend your points, you can unlock a new way to travel. All of a sudden, that business class flight is possible! Visiting family more often is possible! The sky’s the limit, no pun intended.
Unlock a new way to travel by using points to transform how you travel, where you travel, and how often you travel.
Our guarantee…
3x more value for your points
Most banks value points at 1 cent each, meaning 100,000 points equates to $1,000 toward your statement. With this baseline, we guarantee that our All-Inclusive package will provide options worth at least 3x that value—if you spend 100,000 points, you can expect a cash value of at least $3,000 for your travel options. In many cases, the value is higher than 3x!